Thursday, September 15, 2011

Payday! (Sung to the tune of "Friday")

Out of all the things that can make my day great, nothing can beat it being a payday! Even though my kids drew me pictures, even though we got to draw treasure maps, even though only one kid cried today, and even though over half my class got 100% on their spelling test, the thought of cashing a check is better sustenance than coffee. After school, we went shopping! It's just the clinking of coins in my pocket and knowing that I have more than a dollar in my wallet that makes me content. Even better, the ship came in today so there was fruit! I got "fresh" celery and carrots. Just a little brown! I also got yogurt for under $2 and brownie mix for my kids. Tomorrow we are going to use the treasure maps that they drew to find "treasure", which is the brownies I made. I know they'll go crazy! I also got some yummy tea and olives! I felt so rich walking down the street with all the food in my bags.

I want to take a little time to let you know some fun facts about my life here and Palau:
1. We don't wear shoes in the library.
2. The kids ask to spit almost every minute of the day.
3. Raising your eyebrows means yes, and now it's a habit of mine.
4. Shoes are optional.
5. When buying eggs on September 15, if they are marked June 22, they're still okay to eat.
6. Ants are typical, spiders are annoying, cockroaches will lay eggs.
7. Having no hot water isn't always a bad thing.
8. Everyone waves but not everyone is friendly.
9. I go to church with the President of Palau.
10. Most of my kids don't have front doors, but they have chickens!
11. No one knows what Tic Tacs are.
12. If someone is crossing the street or trying to turn, cars will just dodge around at full speed.
13. I haven't seen carpet anywhere but the library since I've been here.
14. Palauan time: If you're supposed to leave at 8, add an hour...then add one more.
15. Grandmothers are the head of the home.


  1. Looks like you have figured it out! Which makes me happy... sometimes it can take people a whole school year and they still do not understand the world they live in... I love living vicariously through you, Chelsea!

  2. Totally agree with Tiffany! I look forward to reading your posts because it makes me feel as if I'm actually there!

  3. I will bring tic tacs for all of your students when I come:)
