I feel like I'm a real missionary. Living around a power and water schedule helps me empathize with people who never have water or power. We wake up and try to get ready, no power. When we get home we try to make dinner, no water. At night we try to skype, no power. It's rather annoying, but it could be worse! At least we have power most of the school day, so that means AC! Oh bummer, no water after school, guess we have to go out for lunch!
In other exciting news, Jeanine has started teaching my least favorite class, math. She only has a half day because it's kindergarten and she really wants the chance to actually teach kids things. From the few times I've subbed for her, I can completely understand how she would be frustrated. They just can't have coherent conversations like my 2nd graders can. So, it worked out that she would love to teach my math. That is such a blessing because, though I don't mind, I really don't know how to be so creative when teaching math. In most other classes I can teach them the material in at least two or three ways, but not math.
Though I'm still in love with teaching, it's really wearing me out. I start the day off so happy and excited to see my kids. They've even started lining up in front of my door in the morning, and I never told them to do that! By mid-morning I'm usually toning down my hyperness, and by lunch I'm just normal. After lunch, their antics begin getting slightly annoying, and I don't like that feeling. Things that would normally not even get my attention start to drive me crazy. I hope that it's just this week, because I haven't been getting much sleep. Hopefully I'll be back to my chipper self soon.
I wish more things would happen. I want more pictures of things and more things to write about, but honestly there isn't much to do. We do have a list though, of everything we want to do before we leave Palau. That should be fun to work on! I'm also trying to plan something for Thanksgiving for my kids. Today I asked them if they knew the story of Thanksgiving, and none of them did! I told them all about the pilgrims and indians and the first Thanksgiving. I also started planning a Thanksgiving meal for them, and also a battle, where some of them are indians and some are pilgrims. It should be a blast!
You have to teach Math?!?!?!?!?!? OMG! I'm so glad we had a Math teacher for the lower grades and another one for the upper grades... IDK if my kids would have learned anything if I had been the one teaching them Math...